Monday, December 19, 2016


Author: researcher Buu Dinh
Translators: Tran Quang Hoan & Mai Anh
VU KHUC belongs to the TU VI constellation and TU VU LIEM group (TU VI – VU KHUC – LIEM TRINH), on the left, it always trines with TU VI – looking from the outside – on the right, it always trines with LIEM TRINH. Its horizontal association position always has THAI AM. It is of Metal Element, (+Positive). VU KHUC is the hand of TU VI. LIEM TRINH denotes the supervision, VU KHUC denotes resolvement. TU VI denotes thinking.  
VU KHUC represents the followings:
v  The star of Talent.
VU KHUC is the star of Talent; above Talent is pluripotential, above that is unusual talent (genius). Looking down the ladder we have potential, ability. There are things that, despite we are aware that others could do and we could learn it, we are unable to do it. That is an example of preponderant skills. From there, we must understand that VU KHUC is the star of talent, unusual talent, genius, etc. All depends on what kind of Fine or Hindrance stars surrounding it. In case of Fine stars, there is the most well-known VU KHUC – VAN KHUC style (called NHI KHUC, meaning “double KHUC”). This NHI KHUC style denotes pluripotential, multi-talent which helps one excel in every field.
Similarly to you using gadgets to go online nowadays, instead of just surfing the net for information, for studying, some others could utilize these gadgets for amazing things while you could not. VU KHUC is talented thanks to the companion with TU VI which is excellent in thinking. VU KHUC shall then resolve any problems. All the talent of VU KHUC was due to the companion with TU VI. Besides the TU VU group, we also have the CO LUONG group with equivalent talent.
v  The star of merit, credit.
Thanks to its talent, VU KHUC could receive great merit, credit, achivements, etc. that could one day become history. That depends on what kind of stars surrounding it. It could be the victory in battle, an invention, constructing marvelous architectural structure. When someone mention a story, they often remind us of the merit, the laboring of one or more men. In this case they are reminding us of the star VU KHUC, the star of unusual achievement.
v  Wealth, assets
It is nothing mysterious that with such talent, VU KHUC could achive great wealth. In this case, VU KHUC denotes the assets. Assets could easily lead us to think of cash, real estates, etc. yet we forgot that it could also means literary work, architectural work. The spiritual value of a noble citizen could also be an asset to a nation. If there is no Mona Lisa, we would not know who is Leonardo da Vinci.
v  Resolving, assertive, decisive, determined to dictatorial
VU KHUC is talented, therefore, it often stands out to resolve issues. This star is very assertive and decisive yet not all VU KHUC is really talented so they may make false assumptions and become arbitrary. It is less damaging if the dictator here is just the head of a family but it would be very damaging if the dictator is the leader of a country. This case requires the strongest Power star and accompanying CO QUA which denotes dictatorship.
v  The star of encouraging, provoking, …
VU KHUC is the most charismatic in the TU VU LIEM group. In case it combines with PHU TUONG group (THIEN PHU – THIEN TUONG) which is good at appraising, judging, with the help of other small stars, VU KHUC becomes very good at encouraging, cheering. If the encouragement was meant for bad deeds, it is called instigating.
v  The star of entertainment, recreation
VU KHUC always trine with TU VI. While TU VI denotes working, VU KHUC denotes recreation and entertainment. It is understandable that working require certain time for resting and entertainment. VU KHUC could open a company focusing on entertainment. Yet we only predict VU KHUC trend to entertainment if it accompanying DAO HOA because this star denotes merriment.
v  Evanishing, dodging, sneaking off, avoiding
Because it is a talented star, VU KHUC is considered very good at avoiding, dodging, sneaking out of something.  It all depends on different cases of VU KHUC that it could mean a person who is able to avoid accidents, blow away accidents because the star VU KHUC itself could solve the problem. In case the problem is impossible to solve, VU KHUC shall show off its talent of avoiding, dodging, becoming a refugee, an outlaw (if violating the law).
A good VU KHUC shall make tragedy disappear without any magic, voodoo or god speed. If you persist in doing wrong deeds, making obvious mistakes, the outcome would become a consequence.
VU KHUC is good at solving; it therefore needs another star denoting “cut-off” which is TRIET. TRIET has the power to dominate Death and Hindrance Stars. These two stars combining into a very strong pair in evanishing issues. It is also noted that even good combination could be disrupted. For example, they could be ineffective by TAM KHONG (TUAN, TRIET and THIEN KHONG) because in this case it means “cannot evanish any problems”. It also become ineffective in the present of KY HINH because it means being outcasted because of violating the law.
v  The star of shortness
VU KHUC denotes shortness. It means only a short while, a short range, a short moment, etc. When speaking of skill, VU KHUC means only a short piece of information could reveal the whole story. When speaking of lovelife, this star denotes  a short romance. Therefore it is not suitable to go with CO QUA in which they shall mean “a quick result”. This star is only suitable with temporary jobs, it trait is completely opposite with LIEM TRINH. When it is a bad guy, VU KHUC is pretty crafty, exploiting any resources until dry and seek for new resources. In case of human resources, this method is called crafty: cutting of someone when that person is no longer useful since this star is well-known for sneaking away. It is the star of rupture. 
v  The star of the action: cutting
Cutting is an important action in life. By cutting, a piece of cloth becomes a suit. By cutting, a sheet of iron becomes a car. Therefore, the action cutting is essential yet it is even better when accompanying the action “joining”. It is precisely the style VU TUONG (VU KHUC – THIEN TUONG) denotes cutting and joining. In this manner, TU VU LIEM combining with PHU TUONG is utmost reasonable.
On the other hand, when combining with SAT PHA THAM, it creates VU PHA (cut and throw away), VU SAT (cut and losing), these styles do not sound very nice. For instance, cutting off Crimea out of Ukraine may means sadness to some people but joy to others. Cutting of a cancer tumor is an advisable thing to do. The act of cutting may mean good or bad. Yet the more important fact is what do we cut? It could be cutting off a piece of land to sell for money to treat a disease. Cutting off with a bad person  is good but cutting off with a good person is definitely bad. Similarly, joining and continue to join with bad people accidentally makes us being exploited or shame ourselves.
v  From cutting to chopping and slashing.
Cutting off may be done verbally. However, cutting off could also be done by tools such as knife or scissors. Cutting off could also be done by weapons. VU KHUC basically  tends to use its physical strength. This strength may means will power or physical strength, it all depends on what kind of stars surrounding it. When utilizing physical strength, VU KHUC becomes the star of violence; it also invokes TU VI – the star of action – into violent actions. Lastly, the most dangerous case is utilizing military power to solve problems in which war would burst out.
Because it means cutting, slashing, there is a saying:
“It is the worst style when VU KHUC is the major star of THAN Section (BODY section)” since your body tends to be cut, slashed, chopped, going into surgery which easily lead to being handicap. However, nowadays, thanks to the advancement in medical field, surgery is sometimes necessary to prolong our lives.
Above are the outstanding characteristics of this star.

In short, the person of VU KHUC is a talented person, a tycoon, a militarist, a dictator, a brute, a sneaky man, a murderer by stabbing, chopping or slashing, … to a stabbed victim. It all depends on what kind of Death, Hindrance, Fine stars surrounding it for an accurate prediction. 

Sunday, December 11, 2016


Author: researcher Buu Dinh
Translators: Tran Quang Hoan & Mai Anh
v  TU VI – The star of destiny 
TU VI is the most important star in Tu Vi chart. Ancestors took its name to name the Tu Vi faculty because this star denotes “the most important.” It denotes living, death, decision, disposition. Such conditions shall transform into action which shall be the origin of future incidences.
In order for the actions to be successful as intended, it shall be carried out in secret.If it resides in MENH, it means that person’s fate is predetermined. Of course, fate could be good or bad depends on how the god had planned. If this star resides in other sections (not Menh), then that section shall decide our fate. (e.g: TU VI resides in NO BOC (Friends) section, then NO BOC will decide our fate).
v  The star of Career.
TU VI is the first and leading star TU VI’s constellation which contains 6 stars. It is the leader of TỬ VŨ LIÊM group ( TU VI, VU KHUC, LIEM TRINH). These three stars is always in trine. This group use the ability (VU KHUC) to work (TU VI) and this process  shall be supervised (LIEM TRINH). TU VI is the image of a working person. That person build his/her career big or small, important or unimportant, good or bad, success or failure…all depend on surrounding stars to decide. In other words, his/her fate was predetermined. This means social status was predetermined. There are those who are satisfied with their social status, but there are those who like to scramble for social status; there are those who are ready to relinquish it; there are those who was forced into certain status.
From the meanings above, TU VI is the star shouldering a task.
v  Active Star. Action star. Leadership Star
In the human anatomy, TU VI is a beating heart, when the heart stop beating, you die. This is the reason why TU VI fears “TAM KHONG”(TAM KHONG = “three NO”) (TUAN KHONG, TRIET KHONG, THIEN KHONG). The heart stops beating, then there is no inhaling, exhaling whatsoever; the body does not react. In Medicine, it's the clinically dead. TU VI is an operative star similar to an operating company. It denotes the fact that everything is functioning normally. That is why it favors LOC TON star a lot, because this star denotes “everything is existing and operating normally.’ TU VI is a star of action, when necessary it could use the force from VU KHUC star, or the power of money (financial resources), the power of military (army). In certain cases it shall use the ethics of LIEM TRINH. A talented TU VI knows who to exert talent, who to exert ethics. A good TU VI even know who to socialize in long- or short- term. That is why it is a star of leadership. In order to complete its tasks, it needs the help from PHU TUONG group. This group denotes being loved and supported by many. And most importantly is the present of TA HUU (TA PHU, HUU BAT) so that TU VI could be most useful. If it doesn’t have TA HUU, who does TU VI lead? In this case, TU VI is just a talend person, or responsibility person.
v  The secret star.
TU VI is a secret star. The more important an action, the more seccretive it should be. The more secretive a task is, the easier for us to be successful. And anyone has his/her own secrecy. It may be hilarious to us, but it is important to them. The secret of origin, status; the secret of love, relationship; the secret of finance, troop strength (in the army)… because rival could know our real force. So TU VI need to envelop such secret carefully. It is still not enough to put worry to rest, it needs to cover up. The star which denotes “cover up” is THIEN PHU.
The combination between 2 star groups TU VU LIEM and PHU TUONG brings aboutmany good styles. In that, the combination of TU VI and THIEN PHU tocreate “covering” style. Being a secretive star, TU VI is not only discreet in outfit, but also discreet in accommodation and working place, discreet in speech. A good TU VI is similar to a King being wrapped in palace, or forbidden palace. In the Forbidden City, it’s hard to know where the king lived.
In every day life, we easily encounter TU VI who have a private working-room, worse is the unlucky TU VI who has to share a common living place. Even there are some female TU VI with not enough clothes to cover their bodies. All is the manifestation of TU VI.
Secrets can sometimes be very complex, sometimes simple. There is a flash on this entry, if you accidentally drag your pointer under the phrase “Tu Vi Ung Dung”, a greeting shall pop out. If you keep your pointer in that one position, the greeting shall remain there forever. Sometime a secret is only that simple, harmless. It all depends on the goodwill inside each person.
v  Thoughtful star. Predicting Star
TU VI is a thoughtful star, from thought to action is the nature of this star. From thoughts may arise intention - whether those being good or bad. If it is bad, it is called malevolence. A TU VI does what a TU VI thinks. It is a base to react to circumstances.
There are TU VI who are good at predicting the difficult situations which he/she encounters. It is not only like that, but also in other cases. Such as weather forecast, predict the fate ...
v  Star of affair (situation)
TU VI is a star of affair, case, action. Of coures, such affair or action could be good or bad, successful or failing, famed or notoriety thanks to the surrounding stars. From that, to perform phrase which relate with word “affair.”
Such as: affair of dropping plane, affair of attacking… During the uprising many  “affair of appealing combat”. From that, we understand the distinction between“affair” and “course” in language. From Tu Vi point of view, TU VI star is “affair”, TUAN star is “course.”
            Above is the characteristics of TU VI star. Denoting life and death; thinking then action; from the liveliness of the body to operation of tasks. From that, it builds up one’s career based on one’s affairs.
TU VI denotes secret, such secret should have a good cover. It also denotes theenvelopment within the love of the people. A talented TU VI is also good at putting siege upon the rival, on the contrary, a bad TU VI means being surrounded to a dead end. TU VI is also good at mobilizing, launching because beside it always has VU KHUC who is good at encouragement. TU VI is a star of thinking and then shouldering, acting in compared with the personal plotting of THIEN CO.

TU VI is a star of predetermined fate. It incites us to be serene, as well as it incites us to scramble. Outside, there are those who are working up for social status, they could spend all their lives to struggle but they cannot succeed. There are those who are forced into one position against their wish. Every trouble in life is pre-arranged. If you escape fate, how could we predict correctly.